图1可理解为安装到地面的泵或电箱等工厂组件的简单图解地震期间,地面运动称为基调振荡。视组件的僵硬性、质量和阻塞特征而定,设备将经历振荡运动(响应)。如果基调振荡频率与组件自然频率重合,响应可能是暴力的。这叫共振。应时避免共振状态地震事件由非规律时间变换组成 。 但它通常覆盖一定频率范围, 以网站地理位置为基础 。 因此, 构件设计方式不应显示自然频率超出预期地震频率范围 。 Damping可分解振动响应的某些能量 。 额外冲波或摩擦工厂可选用自然频率无法充分设计为“ 离位 ” 。
The equipment to be tested is mounted in a plant typical arrangement to the table. Before any testing, the equipment should be checked for functionality. Once the functionality is assured, either a sine sweep resonance search or a multi frequency random noise excitation is conducted to detect the natural frequencies of the equipment. This is also done to demonstrate that the mounting configuration is sufficiently rigid. For that activity the equipment is typically instrumented with a sufficient number of accelerometers. The equipment will then undergo five (5) Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE) and finally one (1) Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) profiles. The Required Response Spectra (RRS) for these tests constitute a requirement to be met by the shake table time history motion. The RRS are predetermined by analysis and entered into the controller of the seismic table. They depend on various factors such as the location, the building and the bedrock. During the test, the accelerometers are used to record the Test Response Spectra (TRS). The TRS must exceed or envelope the RRS, which is typically shown by overlaid plots. The equipment shall be in operational mode during the tests and monitored for performance. A post test functionality check shall also be performed. If the equipment performs well, is free of material failures, structurally intact and the TRS exceeded the requirement, then the equipment can be classified as Class 1E. Figure 2 is a photograph of a component that was tested on a seismic shake table.
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