A review of the procedures used in heat flow reaction calorimetry experiments under reflux and their evaluation is presented. A method to calibrate global heat transfer coefficients and the mass flow of the cooling condenser fluid under refluxing conditions is validated and discussed through experiments with pure solvents. A study of the influence of the most significant experimental conditions on the accuracy of the measurements is also considered.
Fauske & Associates LLC (FAI)是世界领袖n nuclear, industrial and chemical process safety. Founded in 1980 by Hans Fauske, D.Sc., Michael Grolmes, Ph.D. and Dr. Robert Henry, Ph.D., FAI became an affiliate of Westinghouse Electric Company LLC. in 1986. FAI assumed early leadership roles in the acclaimed DIERS program for AIChE and the IDCOR program for the nuclear power industries. These activities led to state-of-the-art methodology and laboratory tools for characterizing chemical systems and computer models for analyzing severe accidents in commercial nuclear power plants used worldwide. Recognized worldwide for phenomenological modeling related to the prevention and accommodation of chemical and nuclear power accidents, FAI also provides advanced training and research in physics, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, nuclear engineering, computer science and other fields. FAI is ISO- 17025/IEC, ISO-9001 and TickIT certified.