Excellent read this month is Sheila Kennedy's "Trust is Not A Strategy for Cybersecurity" in植物服务。在提醒我们的同时,有100%的概率所有公司都将在西门子等公司的每个专业人员中受到网络攻击,但本文提供了良好的建议,以涉及保护新设备和设备的基本知识,并磨练当前的最佳实践。
一个全面的过程安全管理(PSM)系统must include cyber security considerations. Per the article, Indegy's Chris Grove says that:
"while active, passive and hybrid Industrial Cybersecurity (ICS) monitoring approaches all have advantages, a hybrid approach is likely to provide the best value for most organizations because it 'gives organizations total visibility into their Operational Technology (OT) network and environment".
- Ensuring compliance with relevant national, local and industry standards
- 实施最佳工程实践
- 减少奥维rall level of risk
- Increasing productivity and employee morale
- Making organization more competitive
- Decreasing insurance premiums
因此,应将网络安全纳入组织的气候,文化和过程中 - 由组织的各个层面采用。如果没有,那么围绕和回避游戏的工作开始。
The article is well worth your time. If you would like further help incorporating cybersecurity into your process safety program, one that includes Risk Management Services such as可燃的尘埃危害评估(DHA)爆炸和火灾危害评估,过程危害分析(PHA),危害识别风险分析,后果分析,更安全的过程规模,过程安全管理(PSM)计划开发和救济系统设计审查,请通过kfauske@fauske.com与Kris Fauske联系,630-887-5224