Fauske&Associates,LLC首席技术官Ken Kurko
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Ken Kurko |
At Fauske & Associates, LLC (FAI), we are commonly asked about the burst pressures of the Accelerating Rate Calorimeter (ARC) test cells that we offer. The ARC is a high用于获得失控的化学反应数据和热稳定性特性。由于在该设备中发生失控的反应,因此测试电池内的压力自然会升高,无论是由于蒸气压力效应,不可凝聚的气体的产生还是两者兼而有之。失控反应产生的压力必须由测试单元包含。由于这一要求,与所使用的测试样品质量相比,测试单元的质量相对较大。这意味着,随着失控的反应的发展,反应的热量被测试单元吸收,并且数据不直接适用于过程量表。
标准弧测试电池的体积约为10 mL,通常由不锈钢,Hastelloy C,钛或Tantalum构建。这种大小的测试单元的内径为1.0英寸。测试单元的壁厚可以为0.020、0.025或0.035英寸。图1中提供了测试单元的图。
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Figure 1 Standard 10 ml ARC Test Cell |
Furthermore, this issue isn’t as simple as telling an ARC user the burst pressure of a particular test cell. When designing a test, one must balance a number of variables to ensure optimal results: the sample mass, the maximum temperature that could be achieved during the test, the maximum pressure that could be achieved during the test, the maximum self-heat rate under which adiabatic conditions are maintained, and material compatibility between the test cell and sample.
σt=ultimate tensile strength (Pa)
tw=wall thickness of spherical portion of test cell (m)
R =测试单元的内半径(M)
P = internal gauge pressure (Pa)
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图2终极拉伸强度随弧测试细胞材料的温度函数 |
当然,这些都是“理想”的计算phere that don’t account for the actual geometry of the test cell, nor imperfections that invariably occur during the manufacturing process. For example, the presence of a weld seam and the inhomogeneous microstructures within the welded metal leads to higher corrosion rates when compared to wrought products. Types of factors such as this need to be taken into account. For this reason, the theoretical burst pressures should not be used for test design - a safety factor of 2 to 3 should be used. Table 1 summarizes the theoretical burst pressures and our recommended maximum operating pressures for the various ARC test cells we offer.
表1理论爆发压力和建议的最大工作压力,作为标准电弧测试单元的最高测试温度的函数 |
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