During a rare accident involving severe core damage in a Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), if the molten core material can be contained within the boundary of the reactor vessel, the severity of the accident is expected to be greatly reduced. Therefore, the severe accident management strategy based on in-vessel retention (IVR) of molten core debris is highly desirable, and has been adopted by advanced reactor designs such as VVER, AP1000 and APR1400. In these designs, the IVR strategy requires NPP operators to perform specific actions including: a) Opening valves to depressurize the reactor vessel and reduce the stress in the reactor vessel lower head b) Flooding the reactor cavity to a certain high level to ensure the reactor vessel is covered and cooled by water from the outside c) Injecting water into the reactor vessel after the vessel is fully depressurized to increase the probability of IVR success One of advantages of the IVR strategy is that the actions required in this strategy can be performed without AC power.
Issues Related to IVR Success
Capabilities of MAAP5 Code for IVR Analysis Application
IVR analysis is challenging and, in many situations, requires simulations using integral a severe accident thermal hydraulic code. An appropriate code is the Modular Accident Analysis Program (MAAP), which is owned by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and developed and maintained by Fauske & Associates, LLC (FAI). The latest official revision of the MAAP5 code, MAAP5.03, is equipped with comprehensive models of the corium pool in the lower plenum, reactor vessel and in- and ex-vessel heat transfer. The key features of the models are discussed below. Page 1 Technical Bulletin No: N-16-07 In-Vessel Retention (IVR) as a Severe Accident Management Strategy By: Quan Zhou, Ph.D., Sr. Nuclear Engineer, Fauske & Associates, LLC